Tuesday, March 31, 2009

NorthPoint Network -- Mike and Kathy Tremblay

Mike and Kathy live in Rumney, New Hampshire. They will celebrate 33 years of marriage on April 2nd.

Mike leads Amazing Grace Fellowship and Sunday Night Connection, both are in Grafton County. He has been has pastor for about 30 years.

Amazing Grace Fellowship began last July (2008) and has been gathering in participants homes at 10am Sunday morning. AGF is about to begin gathering in a centrally located meeting place for Sunday worship (the first being on Easter, April 12th at Wright Lodge on the Rumney Bible Conference across from the US Post Office on Rte 25 ... special time with breakfast: 8:30am). HomeGroups have begun to meet so as to keep the focus on creating community and being missional. Two HGs are now on the schedule and more will be added as the God's Spirit leads.

Sunday Night Connection began in 2006 as a place for the church to be the church. Many who gather have felt snubbed by Christianity and are learning that Christ loves and His Family is BIG! SNC gathers in West Rumney at the Buskey home on Old Rte 25 at 4pm.

The Tremblay's mailing address is: POB 376 Rumney, NH 03266-0376 (Tel. 603.786.9334)

Mike's email: mtis4gvn@gmail.com Kathy's email: katykleen@roadrunner.com.

Both are on Facebook and Twitter. Check them out!

Monday, March 2, 2009

2009: A Year of Challenges & Changes

Some change for the sake of change. Some change to bring growth. Some change to shock others.

Viewing the world we live in ... change is based on challenges. Current trends in the US have brought about recent political changes. Technology is ever growing, so in that challenge change is ever occuring. Because our world is getting smaller (internet, satellites, cell phones, facebook, etc.), such challenges are making changes necessary.

This is absolutely true for the church as well. The Body of Christ is being challenged every day in the world we live in. Christ followers must be valid in such a challenging and changing world or no one will listen. Jesus was valid when he walked this earth. He still is today ... but the only Christ some will ever see are His followers. How valid are we? What kind of Jesus do we display? We should be dismayed that the only Jesus most ever see is a contentious, unkind, self-centered, group of religious nuts. THAT NEEDS TO CHANGE!

Walking and loving as Jesus did is what will draw others to Him in these challenging times. The genuine love of Christ moved people to change. People today know when love is superficial or fake. The genuine thing is necessary. Real love shows a real God.

Probably the greatest change needed for Christ followers is to see they don't exist for a few hours on Sunday. While gathering together is a vital practice, it is not the end-all. Living and loving like Jesus in our spheres of influence each and every day is our mission. Notice ACTS 1:8 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (TNIV) We act as if the verse says, 'You will attend church every single week'. So the CHALLENGE IS GREAT and CHANGE IS NECESSARY.

More discussions of "THE CHUCH HAS LEFT THE BUILDING" will be taking place at the BlackWater Cafe in Bristol, NH very soon. Watch this blog and your email inbox for more info. You can contact Mike at NorthPoint's email: npnet1@gmail.com.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


O God our Father, you have brought us again to the glad season.....when we celebrate the birth of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Grant that his Spirit may be born anew in our hearts this day.....and that we may joyfully welcome him to reign over us. Open our ears that we may hear again the angelic chorus of old. Open our lips that we, too, may sing with uplifted hearts.

Glory to God in the highest,.....and on earth, peace, goodwill toward all; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The United Methodist Book of Worship, no. 276.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Coffee Connection @ Blackwater Cafe November 3

The Church has a MISSION and it's spelled out through Jesus' teachings in the New Testament. That MISSION is often misunderstood in the American Church today. This will be the focus of our 1st COFFEE CONNECTION on Monday evening, November 3rd, 2008 at 7:00pm at the Blackwater Cafe in Bristol, New Hampshire.

You might call it the Election-Eve Connection around the Coffee Pot ... but there will be NO POLITICS ALLOWED in this setting! Instead, Mike Tremblay will lead off with a simple explanation from the Scripture of the MISSION and show an intriguing video that is sure to stir some Non-Political Discussion centered on being missional.

The COFFEE CONNECTION is a joint venture of NORTHPoint Network, Sunday Night Connection and Blackwater Cafe and will be an ongoing monthly session focusing in on missional issues.
For more info, contact
Mike or Chuck. You can also call the NP Network hotline at 603.786.9334 and leave your number - we'll call back asap! Blessings and love in Jesus!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Healing Place Ministries has joined hands with NorthPOINT Network! The Healing Place will be operating under the name BLACKWATER CAFE on Main St in downtown Bristol, New Hampshire. The Cafe will provide a place for people to connect, enjoy coffee, read Christ-centered books and pamphlets as well as gather for Bible studies, prayer, worship and special video series.

Directing this venture will be Chuck Wild from Alexandria. Chuck and Mike have been friends for nearly 10 years. Chuck has taught at Sunday Night Connection and Mike has dreamedabout SNC's involvement with a coffee house ministry. NorthPOINT is excited to be involved! Watch this blog and visit SNC's sight for more updates under a link "blackwater". In the very near future, Blackwater will have it's own site.

Visit Chuck at the Cafe just across the street from TD Banknorth and next to Whole Foods.

Monday, July 28, 2008


A new church start in the Ashland-Bristol area has asked NorthPOINT's Mike Tremblay to lead the worship gatherings. Mike met with a number of the folk from this fellowship about a week ago and sensed a clear their desire for a holistic, missional, Christ-led ekklesia (Greek word translated church) to be planted. On Sunday, July 27th, Mike and Kathy gathered with this new church family at an Ashland home. The service was held on their deck under a beautiful setting with awenings to shade the sun.

Mike led in worship songs even having Kathy come by his side to teach the song, "You Never Let Go" written by Matt Redman. Mike spoke on "What Now...?" from Ephesians 4:1-7, stating the body of Christ was called (v1) to hold firm with the BONDS OF ... (1) LOVE (v2) (2) UNITY (v3-6) and (3) GRACE (v7).

Pray for this new body as they seek to be a missional, Christ-centered and focused movement in Central New Hampshire. More info about this group will becoming once their new website is up(we'll let you know the address asap!).

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

IT'S NEW! "Coffee Connection"

CoffeeConnection is a new way to explore together Jesus' Mission and how we too can connect. The Great Commission and The Great Command (Matthew 22:37-39; 28:19-20) as well as Jesus last words to us in Acts 1:8 (ESV) "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." stir within us the need to be missional.

CoffeeConnection can aid us in being the church as God designed ... moving us into sometimes messy ministry. Check out this site for the upstart of this new gathering and watch God move!